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 Tibin Joseph


An enthusiastic power systems engineer/researcher currently working in the Research/Education Industry. 


"The distance between success and failure can only be measured by one's desire".


This intense desire to acquire more knowledge has motivated me to pursue my research in the field of electrical power systems. I have extensive experience in teaching and research over the past 10 years, most of it focused on power electronics and its application to power systems.


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*Courtesy to John Hopkins University
IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe)  2019
Calls for Papers IEEE PES Transaction 
Power Systems Computation Conference
29th June-3rd July 2020
 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society



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Conventional power system studies are normally performed using offline analytical tools and computer simulations. Hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) configurations are very helpful to carry out experimental tests in a safe environment without affecting the operation of a practical power system. Following this line, a real-time HiL (RT-HiL) platform suitable for a wide range of power system studies is presented in this paper. Emphasis is placed on the individual components of
the hybrid hardware-based emulator in HiL configuration. To demonstrate the capabilities of the RT-HiL configuration, two case studies are presented: subsynchronous resonance damping and fast frequency support provision. The ac grids are modeled in the RT simulator, while dc networks are implemented in a physical test-bed. The ability of the RT-HiL platform to emulate ac/dc interactions and grid support services is shown. For completeness, experimental results are compared against PSCAD simulation results—showing a good agreement.


Power system interconnections using high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) technologies between different areas can be an effective solution to enhance system efficiency and reliability. Particularly, the multi-terminal dc grids that could balance and ensure resource adequacy increase asset utilization and reduce costs. In this paper, the technical feasibility of building dc grids using the line-commutated converter-based (LCC) and voltage source converter-based (VSC) HVDC technologies is discussed. Apart from presenting the technical challenges of building LCC dc grids and LCC/VSC hybrid dc grids, the reliability modeling and analysis of these grids are also presented. 


Angle-DC is a smart and flexible method for reinforcing distribution networks. The project is creating a controllable bidirectional Direct Current (DC) link between two sections of our network, Isle of Anglesey and North Wales. Angle-DC is converting existing 33kV Alternating Current (AC) assets to DC.


Power flow control in multi-terminal HVdc (MTdc) grids is essential to restrict operation within permissible limits. A current flow controller (CFC) can achieve this. In this paper, the modeling, control, and simulation of resistive, RC-circuit based and capacitive CFCs are carried out. CFC prototypes have been developed and an MTdc grid test-rig has been employed for experimental validation. 

Asset Management Strategies for Power Electronic Converters in Transmission Networks:

this paper reviews the state-of-the-art of asset management strategies in the power industry and indicates the research challenges associated with the management of high power converter assets. Emphasis is made on the following aspects: condition monitoring, maintenance policies, and ageing and failure mechanisms. 

  • GS1
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